1 Eyes Like the Morning (Savitzky)
2 The Stuff that Dreams are Made Of (Savitzky)
I wrote this for my father a few months before he died; he went to grad school with Isaac Asimov, and introduced me to folk music, computers and science fiction.
3 Bigger On The Inside (Savitzky)
4 Filksong Lullabye (Savitzky)
5 Daddy's World (Savitzky)
I wrote this one for my older daughter based mostly on some of her favorite computer games.
6 Emerald Dreams (Savitzky)
7 Keep the Dream Alive (Savitzky)
Written in 1986 shortly after the Challenger blew up on takeoff. Revised, unfortunately, for Columbia in 2003.
8 The Stolen Child (Yeats/Savitzky)
9 For Amy (Savitzky)
10 Rainbow's Edge (Savitzky)
11 Paper Wings (Savitzky)
12 The River (Savitzky)
13 Quiet Victories (Savitzky)